Supplier Guidelines
Contractuals: responses to this brief will form part of any subsequent contract between OKRE and the successful supplier. In the event an order is placed, any claim made in the response that cannot be substantiated in fact will be regarded as a breach of contract.
All materials submitted by prospective suppliers to this brief become the sole property of OKRE upon receipt of the proposal.
OKRE’s Standard Terms and Conditions for Services will apply to the successful supplier.
NB: The statements and questions presented in this document are intended as a guide to your response; however, you must provide complete and unambiguous details of your proposed solution including any known limitations as well as any perceived benefits.
Validity: All tenders must remain valid for 90 days from the date of submission by prospective suppliers.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion: embracing diversity and inclusion is fundamental to delivering our mission, and we want to partner with suppliers who share our commitment. We may ask you questions related to EDI as part of our selection processes.
Non-disclosure and confidentiality: information contained within this document or subsequently made available to prospective suppliers is deemed confidential and must not be disclosed without the prior written consent of OKRE.
Proposed costs: proposals must include detailed information with regard to costs and state if the proposed costs do or do not include VAT or any other levies or discounts, for example, prompt payment discounts, expenses etc.
Independent proposal: by submission of a proposal, prospective Suppliers warrant that the prices in the proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, agreement or understanding for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices, with any other potential supplier or with any competitor.
Costs incurred by prospective suppliers: note that this document relates to a Request for Proposals only and not a firm commitment for OKRE to enter into a contractual agreement. In addition, OKRE will not be held responsible for any costs associated with the production of a response to this Request for Proposal.
Sustainability: OKRE is committed to procuring sustainable, ethical, and responsibly sourced goods and services. This means OKRE seeks to purchase goods and services that minimise negative and enhance positive impacts on the environment and society locally, regionally, and globally. To ensure OKRE’s business is conducted ethically and sustainably, we expect our suppliers, and their supply chains to adhere to these principles in a responsible manner.
Contact details: questions or comments about this request for proposals can be submitted by email to: